Sunday, March 25, 2012

Finished a few bears

I've been working away on my bears.  These are my latest:

This little one has her face finished - just need to finish stuffing the rest of the body.  This is  using Debbie Amos' "Summer" Pattern.  It's a lovely pattern to make.

Another Debbie Amos pattern "Beau".  Once again, the body needs to be stuffed.  Happy with the face, but the ears don't seem to sit exactly the same - however, he does look a character.

Another Debbie Amos.  This pattern is called Phoenix.  I haven't decided on a name .  He's only 14 cm high.  I enjoyed making him, but his "littleness" was a challenge.  Don't think I want to take on a 6 cm bear yet!  He was made with mohair - the last three were synthetic - mohair is wonderful to work with.
This is Millie - yet another Debbie Amos.  She is a doll-bear with only a jointed neck.  Her arms and legs are sewn.  The body and upper arms and legs are calico.  Makes a cheaper bear when using mohair.  She is a lovely little one.  I'll be making her again.
This is another version of "Summer".  She is made with synthetic fur as well.  Dressed up as a ballerina, she is very cute.  She is off to live in the USA.  Haven't heard how she has been received by her new owner - but I hope she will be loved!
That's it.  I've been searching - and finding - old copies of Australian Bear Creations.  So, I'll be starting on some new patterns in the next week.  Can you ever have too many bears?
